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Most-favored-nation treatment

Release Time: 2019-07-09 17:11:26         Hits: 631

                     Most-favored-nation treatment

Most-favoured-nation treatment, English abbreviation MFN, is a system that is commonly used in international economic and trade relations, according to some treaties between nations is, in the import and export trade, tax, navigation, etc give preferential benefit, provide the necessary convenience to each other, enjoy certain privileges of a system, also known as "no discrimination".It usually refers to the preferential, privileged or immunities accorded to each other by the contracting parties in respect of trade, navigation, customs duties, legal status of citizens, etc., not less than those accorded to any third country now or in the future.The provisions of the treaty that provide for such treatment are called "most-favoured-nation clauses".The principle of most-favoured-nation treatment contains 4 key points.1. Automaticity.When a member country gives more to other countries than to other members, the other members automatically enjoy the preferential treatment.2. Identity.When a member automatically transfers a privilege to another member, the beneficiary must be the same.3. Mutuality.Any member is both a beneficiary and a beneficiary.Namely when enjoying most-favoured-nation treatment right, also assume most-favoured-nation treatment obligation.4. Universality.MFN treatment applies to the owners and holders of all types of intellectual property rights in all sectors of trade in imported and exported goods and services.

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